Video of Alien grabbing teenager.
A mexican teenager was filming with his mobile phone when the person walking in front of him was suddenly grabbed by an eerie looking creature with long arms and no hair who appeared from behind the lamp post which the kid was walking past. The teenager jumps back in fright, evidently shocked by the touch of the Alien, who seems to be of the "Grey" variety. The video has been examined frame by frame by nasa experts and baffled scientists all over the world when this video was release. This video also includes some extra footage of the famous "Jack's Saucer", filmed in Phoenix. The incident caused furor when it was released in 2003 due to the fact that it was close to an airforce base. The UFOs flight trajectory repeats the "hole in the sky" phenomena; as it shot off into the athmosphere, it left an empty hole of blue sky in the clouded area which it was hovering under as it was filmed.
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