Latest convincing evidence of the Extraterrestrial intervention being conducted in connection with NASA's various Space Programs and Missions. The evidence is cincisive and overwhelming in it's clarity.
definitive evidence of the Alien presence which is observing us as we conduct our space programs is visible in this video made by one of the team members of Jaume Maussan's disclosure lobby
In addition there is a second video of an encoded message embedded in one of the most recent anomalies in the world of crop circle phenomaena
6th August 2009 - BBC News Breakfast ShowLook North, was the cause of UFO fervour after a UFO was spotted on the screen of their breakfast Show "Look North" Look North's presenter, Colin Briggs, was reading the breakfast headlines in front of a screen which was showing live webcam footage over the River Tyne in the town of Newcastle.
In the video below, the UFO can be observed rising up from the lower left-hand side of the screen and tunnnels through the suspension frame of Newcastle's Millennium Bridge before fading out at the top-right of the screen.
The Former Ministry of Defence UFO investigator Nick Pope is alleged to have commented; 'At first I thought it was a bird, but the slowed down footage seems to rule this out, this is an intriguing film and a genuine mystery.'
Assorted research information of Ancient Technologies from the X facts video database - Suemerians, Annunaki, Atlanteans - Alien Technologies may have been in use here on Earth since Aeons - here is a video lecture for you to gather more knowledge on the various cases and information sources found throughout history and around the World.
Swarms of UFOs have been appearing and witnessed so often the last few years that British TV Channel ITN made a programme about it. Swarms were seen in Korea, New York, Mexico and Russia. Most of the formations appear to maintain a certain formation pattern, which is something i believe is worthy of study. According to Billy Meier and his information given on the Pleiadian visitors, the Aliens would come here and make formations in preparation for jumping through a dimensional portal to other regions of the Universe. Watch the best snippets of Alien Video Coverage on this video clip below
Below is another example of UFO Video footage taken in Texas
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Depleted Uranium - America's Dirty Bomb Secret Scandal
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UFO Frightens Fisherman – 1899
[image: UFO Frightens Fisherman – 1899 -]
The Thrilling Experience of a Bean Creek Fisherman
A Large Funnel Shaped Object
Flying Formation - Around the Moon at 3,600 MPH
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synchronized manner is one of the cornerstones of military aviation, as
well as just abo...
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Flying humanoid feb 15th 2010
*Flying Humanoid in Mexico 2010*
The Humanoids - A Survey of Worldwide Reports of Landings of Unconventional
Aerial Objects & Their Alleged Occupants
Billy Meier on 2012
Listen to the transcript of *Billy Meier* and *Ptaah* discussing* 2012*
*Billy Meier - 476th contact, prophecies about the 21st December 2012 *
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Pleiadian Message 3
Pleiadian Message
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Muppet performs the Roswell autopsy!
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