Video of crescent shape UFO Taken in Istanbul, Kumburgaz Turkey. The video shows what is apparently three alien grays standing outside their ship and moving around, and later, the ship floatin in the air with one alien sitting on the edge of the craft. The video seems to show two different sightings however. I am unaware of what relationship the two have with each other
Anyone with more info on the investigation into this evidence please add your comments
Filmed in Germany a group of friends spot a large winged hazy creature flyng above them and just manage to catch it on video for a few seconds.
This kind of Phenomena is often referred to as the "Mothman". Interdimensional? Interplanetary? Air Sylphs? The Photos here are from the alleged Mothman case; reportedly seen in the Charleston and Point Pleasant areas of West Virginia from November 12, 1966, to December 1967
Video of Alien grabbing teenager. A mexican teenager was filming with his mobile phone when the person walking in front of him was suddenly grabbed by an eerie looking creature with long arms and no hair who appeared from behind the lamp post which the kid was walking past. The teenager jumps back in fright, evidently shocked by the touch of the Alien, who seems to be of the "Grey" variety. The video has been examined frame by frame by nasa experts and baffled scientists all over the world when this video was release. This video also includes some extra footage of the famous "Jack's Saucer", filmed in Phoenix. The incident caused furor when it was released in 2003 due to the fact that it was close to an airforce base. The UFOs flight trajectory repeats the "hole in the sky" phenomena; as it shot off into the athmosphere, it left an empty hole of blue sky in the clouded area which it was hovering under as it was filmed.
This new video evidence made on a mobile phone from a trusted aquaintance shows a flying saucer extremely reminiscent of the purported photographic evidence of Pleiadian craft submitted over 40 years ago by Billy Meier. In the latter part of the video you will see a "satellite" pod, or perhaps a manned minicraft ascendin towards the saucer. This is not the best quality viedo recording but has a definite feel of authenticity to it.
Documentary footage covering several cases of Giant saucer shaped UFOs following commercial ariline flights flying through Alaskan airspace. On November 18, 1986, over the frozen Alaskan landscape, one of modern history’s most important UFO events took place. This was the encounter by Japan Air Lines 1628, a Paris- Tokyo cargo flight filled with expensive French wine, with what the pilot later described as an immense object and two “space ships.” The flight was in its middle leg, from Iceland to Anchorage, Alaska, having flown by the North Pole. In command was Captain Kenju Terauchi, a man with three decades of flying experience, accompanied by a copilot and a flight engineer. The weather was clear as the Boeing 747 flew at 35,000 feet over the Beaufort Sea to northern Alaska. At 5:11 p.m. local time, while on approach to Fort Yukon, Terauchi and his crew saw unexpected lights to their left and below. They gained the distinct impression that the lights were flying along with them. The fact that the lights were below their own altitude ruled out astronomical causes – an important point that would arise later when skeptics attempted to explain the sighting.1
Matters became more interesting a few minutes later. With great speed and suddenness, two objects – “spaceships,” said Terauchi – maneuvered to the airplane’s 11 o’clock position, one positioned above the other, both extremely close. The witnesses estimated the distance was not more than 1,000 feet, perhaps as little as 500 feet, nearly directly in front of them. They were rectangular or squarish and were so bright that Terauchi said the inside of the cockpit lit up and that he felt heat. Both objects had a dark stripe across their center that resembled black charcoal dotted with glowing orange embers. Terauchi estimated their size to be comparable to a DC-8 jet. In other words, fairly large. For three to five minutes, the two objects paced the jet, swaying slightly as they moved through the air, one positioned above the other. Then, abruptly, they rearranged their orientation to side-by-side.
Realizing that they were seeing something that was supposed to be impossible, the perturbed pilot and crew radioed Anchorage Air Route Traffic Control Center (AARTCC) at 5:19 p.m. The flight controller asked them to identify what they were seeing. They could not do this, but stated the objects had strobing lights that were yellow and white. The fact that none of the crew were fluent in English meant that some inaccuracies occurred in their descriptions to Anchorage. Later interviews indicated the actual colors were yellow, amber, and green. Communication was further hampered by the apparent radio interference caused by the objects: transmissions were garbled and weak during much of the UFO encounter.
Then, at 5:23 p.m. the objects very suddenly and quickly moved away. They appeared to have moved several miles to the left, toward a long, horizontal, pale light. To Terauchi, it looked as though the light connected to an immense object. The aircrew decided to use the on-board radar equipment to search for any nearby objects. “There it was on the screen,” recalled Terauchi: a large, green, round object seven or eight miles away to their left. The crew informed AARTCC, although Anchorage had still not detected any radar anomalies. However, AARTCC did contact the nearby USAF Elmendorf Regional Operational Control Center (ROCC) to learn whether they had tracked anything.
At 5:25 p.m., before ROCC could even answer, AARTCC picked up an anomalous radar target. Although the position was wrong – five miles behind the JAL jet when in fact the object was to the left – at least something was being recorded. Bruce Maccabee, who later provided an in depth analysis of this incident, concluded that the full radar data “indicated that the object was quite large and yet quite a weak reflector.” In other words, it could have been able to reduce its radar cross section through some form of stealth technology. After all, the U.S. was already employing operational stealth aircraft at this time.
Moments later, the ROCC radar controller reported back to AARTCC that he was obtaining an occasional radar echo without a transponder signal. All commercial aircraft have transponders, which provide a specific signal to air traffic controllers. This is distinct from “primary radar,” which traffic controllers also use to identify aerial objects. There were no military aircraft in the area, and the ROCC controller wondered if his tracking was erroneous. The AARTCC controller told him: “negative, it’s not erroneous.” At 5:26 p.m., both radar operators were tracking the unknown target eight miles ahead and to the left of the JAL flight.
A minute later, the object disappeared from all radar. But not visually. JAL 1628 was now approaching Fairbanks. At 5:30 p.m., there was enough ambient light from the Moon and possibly from Fairbanks below for Terauchi to see the object that had been pacing his airplane. Several miles off to his left, the horizontal pale white lights were still visible, but now he saw something else: “the silhouette of a gigantic spaceship.” The object was of staggering size. Terauchi estimated its length as being equal to two aircraft carriers. Feeling an overwhelming need to get away from this object, the crew requested a change of course. The fifteen seconds during which they waited for permission seemed like an eternity. Finally, AARTCC instructed them to turn 40 degrees to the right. The JAL crew executed the turn, only to see the huge object still pacing them. They then received permission to descend to 31,000 feet and turn twelve degrees to the left. The unidentified object also descended and continued to pace the jetliner.
This was becoming too much. At 5:36 p.m., Anchorage air traffic instructed the JAL jet to make a full-circle, 360 degree turn. The crew gladly complied. While engaging in the turn, they lost sight of the object, and hoped they might succeed in escaping from it. Many miles to the south, ROCC radar picked up an unknown target following the plane. Once again, the object gave no transponder signal, only a primary return. As Terauchi completed his long circular turn, he looked to his left and backwards: the UFO was still there.
The JAL jet was running low on excess fuel and needed to get to Anchorage. Meanwhile, a United Airlines passenger jet had left Anchorage and was heading north toward Fairbanks at 29,000 feet. AARTCC asked the UA pilot to look for the JAL flight and any accompanying traffic. By 5:48 p.m., the two airliners were fast approaching. At this time, the UFO dropped back from the JAL jet, and was lost from the airplane’s short range radar. By 5:50 p.m., the UA pilot saw the JAL airplane, but no UFO. When the planes passed each other a minute later, the JAL crew could no longer see their mysterious companion.
The final half hour of their flight was quiet, and JAL 1628 landed in Anchorage at 6:20 p.m. The crew was interviewed immediately by an FAA official who described them as “shook-up but professional.” Two special agents also were there. One of them, Special Agent James Derry, wrote that he called a duty officer at NORAD, and learned that NORAD had tracked both JAL 1628 and the UFO on radar.
For a month afterward, the media was unaware of this case. As Christmas approached, one of the crew members appears to have leaked the story, and it broke worldwide on December 29. Terauchi had no hesitation telling anyone who would listen that the object most likely came from another world. The FAA confirmed the event and reopened its inquiry into the matter a few days later.
Contradictory statements emerged from the FAA. Spokesman Paul Steucke acknowledged that air traffic controllers tracked something pacing the JAL 007, that the encounter was a “mystery” and “a violation of air space.” But there was also “nothing to investigate.” The FAA records were being reconstructed, he said, and the alleged uncorrelated echoes could not be found. As for the Air Force, said Steucke, it no longer possessed its radar data but was attributing the apparent UFO to “clutter.”
Steucke referred to the radar signal of the JAL and UFO as a “split image” caused by the FAA primary radar signal and JAL’s transponder. Such things can happen, although hardly ever in the region of the JAL encounter. Normally, the transponder signal and the primary signal would be either directly adjacent or occupying the same spot. Steucke was in fact saying that the primary return reported by the AARTCC and ROCC controllers was a malfunction of the radar set, causing the two types of signals to separate and look as though they were distinct objects. Bruce Maccabee pointed out in his detailed analysis that if this were true, the extra echo would have come back with every sweep of the radar, which it did not. Steucke also did not mention that three AARTCC traffic controllers who were on duty explicitly denied this explanation. They told an Anchorage journalist that, while the radar signal from the UFO was not especially strong, it was not due to a split radar image. Everyone in the control room believed it was an actual object. On January 22, long before the FAA inquiry was finished, the skeptic organization CSICOP issued a press release announcing that Philip Klass had solved the case. In apparent seriousness, Klass argued that the UFO sighting had been the planet Jupiter, and possibly Mars. He suggested that the crew was unaware of Jupiter’s presence, even though it was very bright that evening. Klass had no access to the radar tracking data, and therefore could not know the precise locations and various directions of the plane. He ignored how the jetliner’s onboard radar tracked an unknown object. He ignored statements by the other crew members which fully supported Terauchi, in particular about how the two objects had appeared in front of the plane. He failed to mention how Terauchi saw a “gigantic spacecraft” behind and to his left, in a direction nearly opposite the planets. Incredibly, he ignored Terauchi’s widely publicized drawing of the object, which was as clear as could be. Klass’s fast and sloppy explanation caused Maccabee to remark, “it appears that the CSICOP press release which was marked For Immediate Release should have been marked For Premature Release.” But CSICOP won the public relations battle. The media quickly accepted the “explanation” and let the matter drop.
A year later, Klass revised his explanation, arguing that the JAL crew was confused by reflections of moonlight from the clouds and “turbulent ice crystals.” These thin clouds also caused false radar echoes, argued Klass. This second attempt was a little better than the first embarrassment, although it remained highly speculative. It also failed to address the spectacular nature of the two objects that maneuvered in front of the jetliner: their brightness and maneuverability, the heat that Terauchi felt from them, and their description by the two other crew members (the co-pilot likened them to the lights of an oncoming aircraft).
On March 5, 1987, the FAA announced that it “was unable to confirm the event.” It repeated Paul Steucke’s January statement that the second radar target was a “split radar return” from the JAL jet. No attempt was made to explain the visual sighting – perhaps because CSICOP had already done so, after its own fashion.
The story died after this. Captain Terauchi was “grounded” for several years. It was primarily through the research of Richard Haines that Terauchi’s reputation was restored with his employer and he was flying again. Considering such a severe penalty for reporting the event, it is no surprise that pilots so seldom come forward. One can only wonder how many other dramatic air encounters have taken place, but are never discussed outside the cockpit.
One interesting postscript to this case came in the person of FAA official John Callahan, Division Chief of the Accidents and Investigations Branch of the FAA in Washington, D.C. Many years later, Callahan revealed that the day after the event, FAA administrator, Admiral Donald D. Engen, convened a special briefing which included the FBI, CIA, a scientific study team from President Reagan, and others. Evidence in the form of videotaped radar tapes, air traffic voice communications, and paper reports were compiled and presented. At the conclusion of this meeting, the attending CIA members instructed everyone present that “the meeting never took place” and “this incident was never recorded.” They confiscated all evidence that was presented, but did not realize there was more. “They never asked anyone if we had copies, so I never told them I did,” said Callahan, who possessed videotape and audio evidence of the event. The CIA also advised the group that the media would not be informed of this event, as “it would scare the public.” Years later, Callahan provided testimony of his involvement in this affair, including official memoranda and pilot transcripts, to Steven Greer, which were reprinted in Greer’s book Disclosure.2
Sources: 1. On this matter, see Bruce Maccabee’s analysis, “The Fantastic Flight Of JAL 1628,” International UFO Reporter, March/April 1987, also available at and
2. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), “Chronological Summary of the Alleged Aircraft Sightings by Japan Airlines Flight 1628,” January 6, 1987; Andrus, Walter H., “Strange Alaskan Encounter,” MUFON UFO Journal, February 1987; Maccabee, Bruce, “The Fantastic Flight of JAL 1628,” International UFO Reporter, March-April 1987; “Extraterrestrial Object Involved in Japan Air Lines Pilot’s UFO Sighting, According to Leading UFO Investigator,” Committee for the Scientific Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal, January 22, 1987; “FAA Releases Documents on Reported UFO Sighting Last November,” by Paul Steucke, Office of Public Affairs, Alaskan Region, Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), U.S. department of Transport, March 5, 1987; Klass, Philip J., “FAA Data Sheds New Light on JAL Pilot’s UFO Report,” The Skeptical Inquirer, Summer, 1987; Greer, Steven, Disclosure, p. 79-93; Filer’s Files, 6/19/02. For more resources, see “JAL Flight 1628 Over Alaska,” in
Strange circular black clouds spotted above Sentosa, Singapore 19/02/07
This squid like cloud phenomena astonished a host of public witnesses in Sentosa, Singapore in 2007 - it seems unexplainable what was occurring, and the even remains unexplaied to this day. What do you think it may be? a simple freak of nature? or some kind of spirit? or intelligent presence?
The Prophet Yahweh calls a classic Saucer shaped UFO which rotates and spins for us on camera. Clear as crystal this is one of the most amazing videos we can have the pleasure to see as far as ufos are cooncerned, as are many of the Prophet Yahweh's videos. Prophet Yahweh is an eccentric, but phenomenal person with his strange ability to tune into and manifest UFO phenomena Many people try to Humbug his shows as weather ballons, but this one is irrefutably not a weather balloon, as can be said for many other of his presentations.
Alien Morphing Being? .... or is it some kind of Craft?
Above Pic; Morphing UFO Phoenix, Arizona, June 27, 2004 This video taken by the "prophet Yahweh" - a man who is even capable of inviting tv news channel to come and film while he calls upon ufos to appear (he can do this almost at will) - shows a floating object which begins in the form of a space astronaut with jetpack, and then "morphs" into an everchanging ufo craft like shape, which proceeds to emit lights and flashes. The video shows stills of the sequence which catch the various shapes and mutations of the object - in fact there are two objects, but the cameraman prefers to concentrate on the left side one as the second object descends and disappears behind the roof of a house.
Watch and wonder! - Morphing UFO
Watch more possible morphing beings - Interdimensional Visitors
Alien Being with jetpack filmed by amateur video enthusiast
This video was featured on jaime Maussan's show, and is over a year or so old now, but atill raises astonishment every time it is viewed. The being has been nicknamed the Chupacabras. If you examine the moment where the being springs off into the air, crossing the field in the background, notice how there is a vapor emission from the backpack which the being is wearing. The person who took this video has neither asked for any money for it nor has he desired to reveal his identity. This in itself adds to the credibility of the video
Taken by two young video aficionados in Guadalajara - both eerie and frightening are these strange beings seen to be moving around performing some kind of exercise on the roof of a multi story building..
These beings have extremely long necks and small heads, and are of a very high stature, which is noticeable when one of them raises up to full height at the beginning of the video. This video seems to be totally authentic, and is perhaps a little frightening. Somehting about these beings emits an air of unfriendliness.
Watch the convincing evidence in this award winning documentary "The Smoking Gun". EBE Award Winner. Best Film International UFO Congress Film Festival. On March 11, 2000, in front of an assembled audience of UFO enthusiasts and the media, evidence was presented that would appear to indicate the existence of, not one, but two types of unknown extraterrestrial lifeforms. Labeled Phenomena One and Phenomena Two by a man who spent several years recording and logging thousands of hours of NASA space shuttle transmissions, this historic footage and the story that lay behind its discovery can now be revealed. Runtime 90 min
NASA Shuttle visited by Unidentified Flying Objects Presenting conclusive evidence taken by the NASA cameras on a space mission with the NASA communications network on air and conversing about three (or four) objects on a trajectory passing the space shuttle. The second half of the video is a press meeting where NASA tries to explain the anomily away as ":debris objects". NORAD catalog has tracked 8000 objects this year.
Watch Video documentary of the gathered evidence questioning how much evidence there is connecting the Whitehouse and the UFO files agenda, and whether there has been any opening of files in the highest office of US government.
ufo files - When UFOs arrive. (Documentary) This video documentary presents a look into the workings of secretive government policies handling extraterrestrial visits and investigating the "JANAP-146" military report guidelines , included in the report is the FEMA disaster guide on what to do in case of an extraterrestrial craft crashing.
UFO Files is a US documentary series that was produced from 2004 to 2007 for History Channel. The series covered the subject of unidentified flying objects (UFOs) and Unidentified submerged objects (USOs), as well as close encounters with what were alleged to be extraterrestrial life forms. In addition, alleged military and government cover-up conspiracies.
In 2008, a spin-off series called UFO Hunters premiered on the same channel.
Latest convincing evidence of the Extraterrestrial intervention being conducted in connection with NASA's various Space Programs and Missions. The evidence is cincisive and overwhelming in it's clarity.
definitive evidence of the Alien presence which is observing us as we conduct our space programs is visible in this video made by one of the team members of Jaume Maussan's disclosure lobby
In addition there is a second video of an encoded message embedded in one of the most recent anomalies in the world of crop circle phenomaena
6th August 2009 - BBC News Breakfast ShowLook North, was the cause of UFO fervour after a UFO was spotted on the screen of their breakfast Show "Look North" Look North's presenter, Colin Briggs, was reading the breakfast headlines in front of a screen which was showing live webcam footage over the River Tyne in the town of Newcastle.
In the video below, the UFO can be observed rising up from the lower left-hand side of the screen and tunnnels through the suspension frame of Newcastle's Millennium Bridge before fading out at the top-right of the screen.
The Former Ministry of Defence UFO investigator Nick Pope is alleged to have commented; 'At first I thought it was a bird, but the slowed down footage seems to rule this out, this is an intriguing film and a genuine mystery.'
Assorted research information of Ancient Technologies from the X facts video database - Suemerians, Annunaki, Atlanteans - Alien Technologies may have been in use here on Earth since Aeons - here is a video lecture for you to gather more knowledge on the various cases and information sources found throughout history and around the World.
Swarms of UFOs have been appearing and witnessed so often the last few years that British TV Channel ITN made a programme about it. Swarms were seen in Korea, New York, Mexico and Russia. Most of the formations appear to maintain a certain formation pattern, which is something i believe is worthy of study. According to Billy Meier and his information given on the Pleiadian visitors, the Aliens would come here and make formations in preparation for jumping through a dimensional portal to other regions of the Universe. Watch the best snippets of Alien Video Coverage on this video clip below
Below is another example of UFO Video footage taken in Texas
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